Saturday, August 15, 2015

Houston, we have LIFT OFF!

Dear Swimmers

Finally, we got there and the wait is over!

Please use your username and password details from the email about 2 hours ago to login to the new Swim Smooth Perth website, at:

Start off by watching the 6 minute video and then completing the login tasks, starting with updating your password as a matter of immediacy. All-up, this one-off task should take you no more than 10-15 minutes and then we'll be all set!

Do please let me know if there are any discrepancies with your account balances etc. I have full records (as per last week) and am sure there might be a couple of discrepancies this week, so please just get in touch and we'll get things sorted as this week unfurls!

Right now I'm off for a well-deserved beer! This has been my labour of love for the last 14 weeks, and I really hope you enjoy it!


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