Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Squad Shirts have arrived!!

Dear Crew

Just letting your know the Rottnest Channel Swim Squad shirts arrived today and look fantastic! In total there will be 57 of us wearing them on Rottnest Island and given the vibrant blue colour we should all really stand out! Can't wait.

Shirts can be collected from the Claremont Pool on Friday morning. I'll be there from 5.30am to 7.30am and again at 9.30am to 10.30am. Cost per shirt is $30. Please aim to have the correct change as this will help speed up the process. Here's who ordered what:

What I shall do is lay out the shirts in piles of sizes and ask you to pay your money owing and collect your shirt from the respective pile (I might bring along a little helper to help me with this on Friday morning!!). We have not ordered any spare sizes, so hopefully everyone is happy with their shirt sizes or can arrange to swap within the group.

See you tomorrow morning then!

P.S we will not have too much provision to lug a load of shirts over to Rottnest on Saturday, so please (if you can) make an effort to collect them from the pool on Friday - thanks!


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